Monday, March 8, 2010

God's Eye View

Everything we think, do, feel and live out is based on our world view. Everything from our view of God, how we spend our money, our politics, our opinions of other cultures and people, and on and on.

So, do you think having a right world view is important? I do, but the question is, what is worldview anyway?

Wikipedia defines it as,
"the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing natural philosophy, fundamental existential and normative postulates or themes, values, emotions, and ethics." My response is 'huh?'

That explanation is a bit out there and hard to understand, but regardless, it is deeply critical for Christians to have a worldview, especially a world view that is Christ centric..but how do we get there, and what does that mean. As we all continue to discover and define our worldview it is fundamentally critical and important to develop and define it through a global/missional filter.

Warren Smith, who wrote the book A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church talks about it in this video, take a look and see what you think, but whatever you do, think about and develop a world view that is counter-cultural to what most American Christians have and includes a global this.

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